Who is in charge – you or your trickster ego? Dealing With Your Trickster Ego Are you making decisions based on your most deeply held values? Do your choices reflect…
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Who is in charge – you or your trickster ego? Dealing With Your Trickster Ego Are you making decisions based on your most deeply held values? Do your choices reflect…
Is Ego wrecking havoc with your relationships? The Danger to Relationships Starts with Mental Chatter Research shows that a very important influence on wellness and the quality of our lives…
You have probably heard about Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist present in the 19th and 20th century, known for his amazing theories on consciousness. Today, we are reviewing his theory…
The purposeful Life Deception has been uncovered. The purposeful life has become somewhat of a prerequisite for anybody seeking meaning inside of the matrix. All the freedom-fighters of the past…
The mind has 4 states of existence which it uses to survive within a matrix. These states function in a cycle and never lead to a congruent solution. The mind,…
Many people force themselves without reason to fulfill a role in the matrix, just for survival. Who is actually working and why are you allowing it to be? First, let’s take…
This article was inspired by Illuminative Ways To Encounter Your Shadow Self Do you wish to better understand yourself and certain chronic behaviors? Continue reading about your shadow self, the…
The seven deadly ‘sins’ are all products of human ego. These negative traits have been highlighted in spiritual doctrine in the past for a very good reason. By taking into account the…