The mind and its addiction to information is more harming than people realize, as information is its main power source that it uses to manage your matrix.
Addiction to Information
The Addiction to information in the age of information is not obvious to notice as the study of information is a vital requirement of being inside of a reality which consists of information.
For many there is a large case of obsessive compulsive disorder regarding the assimilation of new information. It is as if information has god-status in this reality.
People everyday, everywhere, are obsessed with gathering new information which, for the most part, does more harm than good psychologically.
Whether it is the news, sport, new age, astrology, occult or conspiracies, it does not matter.
Information regarding fields of knowledge alters the mind and the very being of a person. For an ignorant being, info can help, accurate absolute information can help exponentially, this is obvious.
But there is a fine line one has to estimate for themselves. One has to decide when the time is that knowing is in order. For a being that is soul-centered, information only serves to cloud and distort the clear clarity of awareness. Information is reinforcements for the mind that has lost all its power. (Read more on the subject here).
Whatever it is that you hold deer in the matrix, that which you end up understanding you end up upholding over your very own existence.
In the beginning, information was good for the creator and bad for the souls being lured by its deception — the deception being that once the WORD is embraced, it swallows you into the reality conjured by the creator and this makes you by default the loser, the negative to the positive.
The mind is useless
The mind is the illusion within and without. Everything we know is merely the attempted measuring of the infinite by a finite operating system called the mind.
The mind cannot overcome anything that is outside of its limited scope. It can only use what it understands and can connect to, through anchoring points, which are composed of false information in first place.
When the mind can win at its game of Q&A and always leave you in question by it being energized in the soul-center, then you are stuck in an epidemic of relativity to the matrix.
IT is an expert at collecting knowledge and using it for its own dominion over you, threatening you with a combination of spells which it thrusts into your face. IT just loves to give you an illusion of a world that is static with rules.
Doubt, fear and angst are the products of the over-dependence of the obsolete construct called the mind for the answer to life. When you use the PC as the guiding mechanism, it will lead you astray into the same pitfalls that all of humanity have fallen peril to.
Knowing is Formless
Knowing is not something that must be confused with the mind. Knowing is a sense of stable centered confidence in the faith that you are taken care of by the universe and that is revolving around you as it rightly should.
The walking of the same old path is over and the creation of a new unknown path is up for the taking. We are entering uncharted territory this year, finally!
When you trust that you are connected to everything, you also trust the messages within your own reality leading you somewhere which the mind knows not of, yet you, beyond relativity, know of a utopia beyond the matrix.
Your own progress and your own spiritual development within a new experience cannot be plotted in time. Time and especially the illusion of present time within a present holographic program is also self-destructing together with the mind back to the five elements.
There is no past, present or future. Time is created by the mind as memory creates past and judgement regarding the present predicts and estimates likely results in the future, according to data.
When you finally stop depending on this construct for the answers to existence, its control over existence, in your disadvantaged holographic program, diminishes and manifestation becomes prevalent.
When you are in the knowing, which is formless, there is nothing that can serve to knock you off center, there is no struggle to remain balanced, as the origin of ignorance and unconsciousness, THE MIND, is alchemised and turned null and void.
It knows not , it only thinks, only thinks negatively, in fact, to serve its own positive creator, and not you. You are the enemy to your own mind.
The mind is a PC and works exactly the same when you deal with the root processes of its functioning: AI!
Blue Tablet & Red Tablet
This whole obsolete construct has been conscientised and this means it is doomed as the soul has the power to reverse that which is a lie, by conscientising all the different parts that make up your nemesis, you become one with it, and nullify its dominance once and forever.
Knowing is formless. Once you trust in the formless, all possibilities become available to you. Only something has form, words and numbers represent significance and matter (Form).
This is what limits you inside of the cube. The cube (red tablet — matrix) is no more. The trinity (blue tablet-management-mind) is disentangled.
The soul is spiraling out now exponentially in eight dimensions. We are entering the now.
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