For many people, spirituality is an abstract concept. Something that belongs in the realm of monasteries and nunneries. Many mistakenly believe that spirituality involves morning visits to the church or…

Spirituality In Everyday Practice — How To Become A Better Person

Spirituality In Everyday Practice — How To Become A Better Person

For many people, spirituality is an abstract concept. Something that belongs in the realm of monasteries and nunneries.

Many mistakenly believe that spirituality involves morning visits to the church or reading a verse from the Bible before going to bed. While being religious is a means of developing and practicing spirituality, there is more to it.

You can put spirituality into practice by developing habits that encourage spiritual engagement.

Learning spirituality

You can’t really practice what you don’t know. Knowing and understanding spirituality would be the first step in your spiritual journey.

Spirituality is about how you treat yourself, those around you and engage in activities that promote spiritual growth — for example charity, meditation and praying.

Meditation or praying

Spirituality involves tuning into the bigger scheme of things according to your beliefs. This belief that you are part of something bigger is enhanced by meditation and prayers if you are a believer.

Studies have long shown that people who have a strong grounding in religion are able to cope better in the face of challenges. When asked, many will say they feel more invigorated and strengthened after prayer or meditation.

Fasting is also a common practice in spiritual development. Famous religious figures who have given teaching on spirituality practiced fasting (e.g. Jesus’ 40 days in the desert).

Healthy living

A healthy life is a prerequisite for spiritual growth. The body is an essential component of the whole being. If the body is troubled, so will the spirit.

A healthy life includes practicing good dieting, exercise, and getting rid of negative habits like smoking.


Focusing on your inner self will help discover how you have done things in the past and how they affected your path in life and relations with those around you.

Inner focus can change your way of thinking so that you are more productive in life, and develop better relationships with those around you and the universe as a whole.


Lending a hand to those around you is a practice that can help you develop empathy and sympathy. You are able to recognize their challenges better and understand how you can help in a better way.

Giving is a strong trait by strong spiritual persons. Saint Theresa of Calcutta was known for her work among the poor and her high spirituality.

Donating to charity, volunteering and teaching your skills to those who can benefit from them are ways in which you can be of better service to those around you and mankind at large.

Participating in environmentally beneficial work is also a good way of bettering Mother Earth.


Helen Elizabeth Williams is the owner of, where she is a staff writer. Her passions are: spirituality, meditation and polo. She adores all animals, but horses have a special place in her heart. She loves the diversity of our cultures, the beauty of simple people and the harmony of Mother Nature. ♥