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Your higher self is who you truly are – an absolute conglomeration of your soul consciousness – while your self on Earth is simply a projection of your higher self….

In this article we discuss symptoms of solar plexus pain. The solar plexus is just located below the middle of the human ribs at the gravitational center of the torso….

Before we discuss the twin flame characteristics, we should familiarize with what a twin flame union is. A twin flame union is an ultimate union with the highest purpose. Twin…

The Buddhists describe enlightenment as a final blessed state marked by the absence of desire or suffering. Global enlightenment elevates awareness and consciousness, producing improvements on all levels. When you…

Did you know the disconnect we have with our bodies inhibits spiritual development? Perhaps you ‘get’ the idea of self-love intellectually, but don’t ‘feel’ love. Ironically, we crave intimacy and fully…