The idea that a 9-year old girl can heal water is astounding enough! Find out what else she can do and the message she has for humanity. An Excerpt from the forthcoming…
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The idea that a 9-year old girl can heal water is astounding enough! Find out what else she can do and the message she has for humanity. An Excerpt from the forthcoming…
Water is clearly one of the most important factors for your health — especially when you consider that your body actually consists of over 99 percent water molecules! I sincerely…
Amazing new discoveries about the properties of water could revolutionize our world! Filmmaker and mystic ecologist David Sereda discussed some of the amazing properties of water — it may actually…
Fasting is one of the most revered and endearing spiritual practices across human civilization. It spans across different eras — surpassing different faiths, religions, traditions, and cultures — as a…
Dr Masaru Emoto’s experiments have offer solid evidence that words and thoughts can change the structure of water and rice. Nikki Owen’s apple experiments have expanded Dr Emoto’s research and offered…
On a scale of 1 to 10, how powerful do you think thoughts are to success, compared to hard work, passion, money, character, and charisma? If you’ve prioritized and rated thoughts…