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Vibrating energy is what makes up the existence of everything in life and is commonly referred to as waves of energy flowing through the universe. Everyone gives out certain vibrational…
Your home should be your sanctuary, a place for you to retreat from the world and feel at ease. Your home is really your ‘birthing place’, it is where you…
Everybody ‘wakes up’ at a different stage in life, and this is perfectly natural and absolutely wonderful. There are those who have already started searching for the deeper, inner truth,…
By education I don’t necessarily mean the acquisition of a degree, however; education takes all shapes and forms. Simply being alive and experiencing life as we do every day is…
Many people would like to believe that the process of awakening is glorious. That the path is filled with light and they just have to follow it to reach The…
There aren’t many things that fascinate, frighten, sadden, intrigue, confuse, or enlighten us more than dreams. While science seems stumped about dreams, artists are inspired, creating countless books, movies, poems,…
SpiritualityView all
The Secret Keys to Spiritual Attraction Between Two Souls
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>Have you ever met someone with whom you felt a strong spiritual attraction? The Secret Behind Spiritual Attraction Sometimes two souls meet like the ancient stars in the sky. Almost...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
7 Zen Stories That Will Help You Shift Your Perspective on Things
15 Warning Signs The Universe Sends When You’re On The Wrong Path
InspirationView all
The Power To Inspire
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>Use your power to inspire not only inspire others but to inspire yourself. Use Your Power to Inspire What is that inspires us? For most ordinary people having a human...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
Rain Water: The Ultimate in Healing
Why Comparing Ourselves To Others Is Stupid
ConsciousnessView all
4 Surprising Places To Connect To The Field Of Consciousness
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>We are all connected to the same field of consciousness where universal wisdom and truth reside. There are times we are acutely aware of receiving intuitive guidance like a-ha moments...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
The 8 Stages Of Conscious Evolution
7 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Highly Awakened
Identifying And Understanding An Indigo
Create the Life You Want Using These 5 Universal Laws
Latest Posts
Sixth sense or Third Eye within humans is something that holds great power, and it’s been said that it’s the biggest secret kept from humanity. It is not something that…
The energy to stagnate or settle is becoming less and less enjoyable or desirable. This is good news. This means we have crossed yet another threshold or hurdle not only…
A long time ago, nearly 50 years now, I was walking through an open market in a small, upscale beach town. Colorful booths of various sizes were displaying the works…
Man (“male” or “female”) lives in a reality governed by the Law of Polarity. This type of reality is unique because it allows the manifestation of positive and negative experiences….
While meditation is a great way to feel better and lighter, there are just some days that you are unable to find time and place for it. Or, you need…
Many of the intuitive clues we get in life are set up for us in advance and are there to remind us of the life we were meant to live….
Do you take it easy when you mess up, or instead to you criticize and judge yourself? If the latter, you are in good company! Many people I meet hold…
Do you suspect that you or someone close to you may be an empath? Empaths are able to make special connections with the people around them. An empath can sense…
Psychologists have only begun to unravel the concept of “personality,” that all-important but nebulous feature of individual identity. Recent studies suggest that personality traits don’t simply affect your outlook on…
Where Focus Goes Energy Flows “Energy flows where attention goes…” Have you heard this saying before? It’s really so true. Your energy does flow in correspondence with your attention. This…
“Intuition is the key to everything, in painting, filmmaking, business – everything. I think you could have an intellectual ability, but if you can sharpen your intuition, which they say…