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Spirituality is a way of life. It is not just doing meditation. – Master Choa Kok Sui Spirituality is a lifestyle… We all know that… It is a method of living….
Heard about Merkaba Activation? Merkaba is a state when you are totally aware. When your spiritual field is filled with immense amount of love; abundant light begins to fuel your soul…
The world does not have to live in fear. We can choose to send out peace and love to those in need. Imagine What It Is Like To Live In Fear…
Sixth sense or Third Eye within humans is something that holds great power, and it’s been said that it’s the biggest secret kept from humanity. It is not something that…
The energy to stagnate or settle is becoming less and less enjoyable or desirable. This is good news. This means we have crossed yet another threshold or hurdle not only…
A long time ago, nearly 50 years now, I was walking through an open market in a small, upscale beach town. Colorful booths of various sizes were displaying the works…
SpiritualityView all
4 Warning Signs That Someone Is Emotionally Unstable
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>Emotions are totally normal, and it can be healthy to try and find some sort of release for them. We all need to let go sometimes and show the world...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
Why People-Pleasers Don’t Get the Love and Respect They Desire
The Butterfly Effect and the Environment: How Tiny Actions Can Save the World
InspirationView all
Finding Your Lost Joy and Love After Narcissistic Abuse
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>After psychological abuse, many survivors feel broken, like they will never return back to the person they were before. Joy and love seems to have disappeared, replaced with a dull...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
Why People-Pleasers Don’t Get the Love and Respect They Desire
The Butterfly Effect and the Environment: How Tiny Actions Can Save the World
ConsciousnessView all
The Rising of Gaia Consciousness
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>While we always need to look after and treat planet Earth with respect and love, over the coming years it is going to be even more important to turn our...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
Awakening To Divine Human Consciousness
4 Surprising Places To Connect To The Field Of Consciousness
The 8 Stages Of Conscious Evolution
7 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Highly Awakened
Latest Posts
Our thoughts are powerful. So powerful in fact that often just thinking about someone can send a small stream of energy their way. We are all energetic beings and we…
The law of attraction is a rather simple law. It’s the use of visualization to manifest the things in life that you want. In order to truly understand it, you…
As we transition from a third dimensional reality to a hyperdimensional existence we are experiencing a recalibration of our mind-body-soul being. A process that has accelerated in 2016 and now…
Given a megaphone with a platform to stand on and an engaging audience there are 3 words I would love to holler: “ Consciousness is everything! ” in a talk…
Here’s the definition I use for the word “mystic”: a person who claims to attain, or believes in the possibility of attaining, insight into mysteries transcending ordinary human knowledge, as…
“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move on to higher levels.” ~Albert Einstein Imagine that you have the hidden ability inside you to…
You may have heard of the power of Kundalini awakenings and the difficult process of the dark night of the soul, but what separates these two experiences? Both involve the…
Healing Medicine for Our World Our world desperately needs healing. The world is wounded and in pain. Our earth, our climate, our global relationships are not being honored and protected….
Setting intentions is critical if you want to make your dreams a reality. When we set intentions, we ask the universe to guide us toward our goals. We ask for…
Your higher self is who you truly are – an absolute conglomeration of your soul consciousness – while your self on Earth is simply a projection of your higher self….
“Yes, we notice a lot of what goes on around us- but you’ll notice some things about us too.” Can you remember an instance when someone, a complete stranger, poured…
“We dream to give ourselves hope. To stop dreaming—well, that’s like saying you can never change your fate.” ~Amy Tan Pursuing dreams… How you wish it were a smooth ride….