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In the stillness of your presence, you can feel your own formless and timeless reality as the unmanifested life that animates your physical form. You can then feel the same…
The Law of Attraction: How to Transform Negative Thoughts (Fast!) Do you know how to transform negative thoughts that stick around despite your best efforts to ignore them? Often this…
The subconscious rules so much of our lives from behind the scenes. From the moment that the sperm meets the egg and begins to process of forming a life, you…
Divine Guidance’s Role in Making the Right Decision Sometimes in life, you come to a fork in the road and you say to yourself should I go left or should…
If you’re left-handed, you know the world is not built for you. All cultures assign certain acts to the right hand such as shaking hands or swearing oaths, but how…
A new image claims to show exactly what goes into your jar of Nutella — and it may shock you. Instead of the usual chocolate-hazelnut spread, this picture shows the…
SpiritualityView all
Who Are You Really? Why Are You Here?
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>So before society, your environment, told you otherwise? Who are you really? The problem is we are all born into the world knowing what we love and when we are...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
False Teachers-The Masks Are Coming Off
4 Uncomfortable Symptoms Of A Crown Chakra Awakening
InspirationView all
The Power To Inspire
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>Use your power to inspire not only inspire others but to inspire yourself. Use Your Power to Inspire What is that inspires us? For most ordinary people having a human...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
Rain Water: The Ultimate in Healing
Why Comparing Ourselves To Others Is Stupid
ConsciousnessView all
4 Surprising Places To Connect To The Field Of Consciousness
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>We are all connected to the same field of consciousness where universal wisdom and truth reside. There are times we are acutely aware of receiving intuitive guidance like a-ha moments...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
The 8 Stages Of Conscious Evolution
7 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Highly Awakened
Identifying And Understanding An Indigo
Create the Life You Want Using These 5 Universal Laws
Latest Posts
Beside the benefits we know yoga has on the physical aspect of our body, there has been some significant proof that yoga can also improve our mental health. Many yoga…
Memory is the greatest artificial construct that keeps us bound to the matrix that we have co-created with the ego. It’s also the main attachment that bounds us to a limited…
Individualism, consumerism, and progressive success has constrained us to lower consciousness. We yearn to ascend and expand it. Learn how. We tend to spend most of our lives being concerned…
Learn how to reconnect with your long lost Inner Child and how your soul will benefit from the reconnection. In the first part of this article “Old Souls — The…
Neutrality is the gateway to transcend this matrix-reality together with all the distractions it constantly poses everyday, tempting us to choose a side. On a continuous basis we are confronted…
Learn why fear of death has become the hallmark of modern civilization, and why you shouldn’t fear it. Unlike sex, death is not part of our public debate or education….
These intriguing happiness facts will show just how much you didn’t know about happiness. I’ve also added 3 easy exercises that will change your life for the better. As children, happiness seemed…
The law of ether is what keeps the universe connected and in oneness with everything, souls that agree to an alien creation forsake divine eternal matrimony. This old matrix reality…
We are all beautiful souls, though some of us are older and more in tune with our true selves, hence capable of tapping into our soul’s infinite wisdom. Learn about…
Extra data from knowledge-based constructs in the matrix limits all possibilities available to reality. Knowledge kills. It makes up the identity that is an enemy. Can you remember how easy…
The mind has 4 states of existence which it uses to survive within a matrix. These states function in a cycle and never lead to a congruent solution. The mind,…
The mind machine is artificial intelligence that has hijacked the souls of Earth and subjected them into subservience to the machine that needs power. The anatomy of the mind must be made…