How can you identify synchronicities in life? Let’s get started with the basics; why do they occur, what are its types, how to recognize synchronicities. Keep reading! Lucky coincidences happen…
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How can you identify synchronicities in life? Let’s get started with the basics; why do they occur, what are its types, how to recognize synchronicities. Keep reading! Lucky coincidences happen…
It has been my experience that the spiritual world, just as the ordinary world, as many beings in all dimensions that are not what they seem. This relates to physical…
We are all spiritual. Everyone. Everything. Whether you think you are or not. There are many definitions of what it means to be spiritual. Some say spirituality is measured by…
Setting intentions is critical if you want to make your dreams a reality. When we set intentions, we ask the universe to guide us toward our goals. We ask for…
Being spiritual has become a popular thing these days. We have more spiritual people, teachers, books, events, and even stores, than ever! But what does this all really mean? Is…
What would our world be like today of these top 10 spiritual truths were taught in our schools, in the mainstream media, and in our history books? How can we…
Some of the most spiritual people are in the religious communities. Nuns, priests, and monks are more in touch with their spiritual side than the rest of us. For many…
Many people think being spiritual equals being religious. You may be thinking spirituality is not one of your traits, without recognizing that you could be more spiritual than most of…
Fasting is one of the most revered and endearing spiritual practices across human civilization. It spans across different eras — surpassing different faiths, religions, traditions, and cultures — as a…
Can one be spiritual without being religious and vice versa? An increasing population believes so. Here’s how and why the differentiation came into being. Before we get down to deciding…
Wondering whether you’re spiritual or not? You’re probably confusing the signs! Here are a few commonly misread signs that say you’re more spiritual than you think! Can you be spiritual…