Extra data from knowledge-based constructs in the matrix limits all possibilities available to reality. Knowledge kills. It makes up the identity that is an enemy. Can you remember how easy…
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Extra data from knowledge-based constructs in the matrix limits all possibilities available to reality. Knowledge kills. It makes up the identity that is an enemy. Can you remember how easy…
The mind has 4 states of existence which it uses to survive within a matrix. These states function in a cycle and never lead to a congruent solution. The mind,…
The mind machine is artificial intelligence that has hijacked the souls of Earth and subjected them into subservience to the machine that needs power. The anatomy of the mind must be made…
The cosmic elements that have created the entire universe are forces the soul needs to create and manifest on its own volition. The matrix holds it to remain materialized. On…
The survival of the ego depends on the existence of a time-based reality, attachment of appearances, past and future, is the name of the game for the ego. The Ego…
Aluminium is a prime receiver for electromagnetic signals from information technology, and it’s being used to maintain a slave race dedicated to the matrix. The inception of slavery The foundation of flourishing…
Relativity is experienced by all, we are experiencing life as minute entities relative to many holographic programs that prescribe reality as we know it. The law of relativity states that…
Many people force themselves without reason to fulfill a role in the matrix, just for survival. Who is actually working and why are you allowing it to be? First, let’s take…
The real you is NOT a Matrix program! The real you is anti social and anti numeric. Regain the immense power of that state by deprogramming yourself of all information….
Experiencing Oneness in Division is returning to the source and beyond the incepted big bang, which cannot be explained. Oneness will over-write the matrix. Oneness is a hot concept in…
This article was inspired by 4 Popular Myths And Misconceptions About Being An Empath Since people lack the ability to understand those who are different from them, this article will…
The collective unconscious mind and beyond are two separate states we co-exist in, learning not to depend on the mind is the mighty step to exit the matrix. What the collective…