Learning to be kind to yourself is the first step in living a meaningful life. Avoid a spiritual bypassing by learning how. Your Short Guide to Opening the Fourth Chakra…
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Learning to be kind to yourself is the first step in living a meaningful life. Avoid a spiritual bypassing by learning how. Your Short Guide to Opening the Fourth Chakra…
If you have a furry friend in your house, you might be more likely to live a long life than your peers without pets. Owning a cat or a dog…
After psychological abuse, many survivors feel broken, like they will never return back to the person they were before. Joy and love seems to have disappeared, replaced with a dull…
“Niceness is the psychological armor of the people-pleaser.” ~Harriet B. Braiker I used to think that being kind, gentle, and agreeable was guaranteed to win me love and acceptance from…
“They say ‘you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.’ The truth is, you knew exactly what you had. You just didn’t think that you were going to lose…
Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning. ~ Unknown It’s been said that we really only fall in love with three people in our…
Perfect love casts out fear. If fear exists, then there is not perfect love. ~ A Course in Miracles Hard Truths About Love People go around throwing I love you’s…
“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is…
Most of us have already been through this. It is true if one refers to this world as one where swipes or likes determine everything. And yes, the same holds…
How and why should we feel inner peace when the world around us is seemingly falling apart? Before I answer that, let me digress. It has been asked of us…
“Radiate boundless love towards the entire world.” – Buddha This seems to be a time of great choosing. The greatness relates to the scale of it, the collective invitation that…
When we are able to finally meet your soulmate, it’s almost like we enter into a whole other world of reality whenever we are with them. Suddenly every day you…