Cannabis is by far the most widely used hallucinogenic on the planet, the effects of this plant on awareness of higher planes, I believe, is open for debate. All…
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Cannabis is by far the most widely used hallucinogenic on the planet, the effects of this plant on awareness of higher planes, I believe, is open for debate. All…
The design of modern society really shifts the fundamental idea of what addiction actually is. The official definition of addiction is a strong or harmful need to do something. For…
What is Really Behind Addiction? Ever notice how frequently the word “addict” is used? Just do a Google News search on the word and you’ll be shocked at just how…
We all fear the Zombie Apocalypse without realizing that we are the ones who have not only brought the Apocalypse upon, but are actually living in it happily without any…
The mind and its addiction to information is more harming than people realize, as information is its main power source that it uses to manage your matrix. Addiction to Information…
An addiction to negativity in the matrix overlaps the world. Everywhere, people are trapped in unconscious compulsive behaviors that render us negative. Any emotional attachment to anything three-dimensional that manipulates us into…