The time has come to identify the force that works through the unconsciousness infiltrating the consciousness of everyone involved. Agent Smith is everywhere! People on Earth hold the greatest power;…

Thought has created this 3-dimensional experience on Earth since its inception. The currency of creation in 3 dimensions are thoughts. Thinking, logic, theory, intellect, philosophy, rationalizing, assessing, evaluating, reasoning, conjuring and…

Hatred, Fear, Resistance and Persistence follow each other in a chain reaction, which is the main cause of keeping our reality stagnant and frozen in time. Let go of the…

Do you believe that we are all part of one large source? Continue reading and learn more about the “oneness” that connects us all together and its scientific implications. According…

Chi and Enlightenment are one and the same thing, if everything is energy and one comes to understand all energy, how can enlightenment be avoided? Chi Sources First and foremost,…