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“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is…
Most of us have already been through this. It is true if one refers to this world as one where swipes or likes determine everything. And yes, the same holds…
Are you one of those whose truly seeking, truly searching for the deeper meaning of the moment to ignite your life? Plenty say they are, but then the Path Less…
Truth Hurts ! And often (Well, most of the times, we know it too), yet we choose to close our eyes. Harsh ! But trust me, It’ll help you make…
Our thoughts are powerful. So powerful in fact that often just thinking about someone can send a small stream of energy their way. We are all energetic beings and we…
The law of attraction is a rather simple law. It’s the use of visualization to manifest the things in life that you want. In order to truly understand it, you…
SpiritualityView all
Who Are You Really? Why Are You Here?
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>So before society, your environment, told you otherwise? Who are you really? The problem is we are all born into the world knowing what we love and when we are...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
False Teachers-The Masks Are Coming Off
4 Uncomfortable Symptoms Of A Crown Chakra Awakening
InspirationView all
The Power To Inspire
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>Use your power to inspire not only inspire others but to inspire yourself. Use Your Power to Inspire What is that inspires us? For most ordinary people having a human...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
Rain Water: The Ultimate in Healing
Why Comparing Ourselves To Others Is Stupid
ConsciousnessView all
4 Surprising Places To Connect To The Field Of Consciousness
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>We are all connected to the same field of consciousness where universal wisdom and truth reside. There are times we are acutely aware of receiving intuitive guidance like a-ha moments...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
The 8 Stages Of Conscious Evolution
7 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Highly Awakened
Identifying And Understanding An Indigo
Create the Life You Want Using These 5 Universal Laws
Latest Posts
The 5th dimensional reality is becoming a frequency in which humanity is growing into everyday. Our sights, smells, tastes are all changing as we raise our vibration to match that…
We are now entered a brand new PARADIGM and an upgraded paradigm that did not exist before. We stepped into a new TIMELINE as the old regimes of the past…
People who have a high vibration often feel lighter, open, stable and loving. While feelings of heaviness, denseness, darkness and fear are found in the lower vibration zone. There is…
Many children seem wise beyond their years or like “old souls,” but some have said things that truly seem to hearken back to past lives. Parents have shared their stories via…
Buddha means “Awakened One”, someone who has awakened and sees things as they really are. According to , a Buddha is a person who is completely free from all…
To receive quality guidance from the universe, you have to fully surrender your question in faith that the answer will come. What do you do when you have an unanswered…
If you are reading this, then you are well on your way on a path of Awakening. Although, everyone experiences their own unique and individual paths of awakening, there are…
We do not need solutions to the ills of the world. We need to remove the cause of the problem and that is ignorance and arrogance. These are inseparable partners in…
Absolutely everything is a wave of energy and there are many new energies taking place on Earth. We’ve shifted consciousness, but we’re still using old reflections to create our reality….
We live in an age of pineal suppression. We imbibe and ingest substances that tend to calcify the rice-grain-sized pineal gland, and on a global scale we have become subservient…
Each of the seven chakras are governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness, and wellbeing in our lives and in the…