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You meet someone for the first time and one of the first questions you get asked is “What do you do?” You automatically assume the person wants to know how…
Getting to the point where your consciousness is expanded and your soul is fully awake is not an easy place to get to. It’s not impossible, it just takes a…
Shamans are medicine men or women who use their connection with nature and the spirit world in order to heal and awaken others. Shamans journey into the Spirit world using…
Soul Inspirations from the Art World I was looking at this beautiful art book the other day and noticed a quote from the artist, Picasso, which inspired me to write…
The one issue I kinda have with this is the implication that being an empath is a bad thing and we have something to protect ourselves from. I believe that…
As each of us begin to take the first steps that will shape our lives, we unknowingly pick a certain role to fulfill. The role that we choose influences who…
SpiritualityView all
Who Are You Really? Why Are You Here?
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>So before society, your environment, told you otherwise? Who are you really? The problem is we are all born into the world knowing what we love and when we are...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
False Teachers-The Masks Are Coming Off
4 Uncomfortable Symptoms Of A Crown Chakra Awakening
InspirationView all
The Power To Inspire
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>Use your power to inspire not only inspire others but to inspire yourself. Use Your Power to Inspire What is that inspires us? For most ordinary people having a human...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
Rain Water: The Ultimate in Healing
Why Comparing Ourselves To Others Is Stupid
ConsciousnessView all
4 Surprising Places To Connect To The Field Of Consciousness
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>We are all connected to the same field of consciousness where universal wisdom and truth reside. There are times we are acutely aware of receiving intuitive guidance like a-ha moments...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
The 8 Stages Of Conscious Evolution
7 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Highly Awakened
Identifying And Understanding An Indigo
Create the Life You Want Using These 5 Universal Laws
Latest Posts
If you are having experiences of energy winding or rolling up your spine, creating involuntary spasms, and rippling in strange ways through your body, you are possibly one of thousands…
Are you in the midst of a conscious awakening? Contrary to often popular opinion, although many people can reference the “start” of their awakening, an awakening is an ongoing process….
Our Connections with Others are Important Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the importance of making connections with others. We all really need them, but it seems that people…
Many empathic, or highly sensitive people feel that their ability to feel so many different emotional energies in their environments is a curse, but with recent research suggesting that empaths…
This article is specifically for those people who already know they are Empaths — which is far more involved than just having empathy. Most of you are not Empaths, lucky…
You experience life through the myriad forms appearing to you, one after the next, in constant and continual, never-ending succession. You take these forms to be the verifiable stuff of…
Do you know how to set goals in a way that actually allows you to achieve them? People often miss the importance of positive focus, specificity and repetition in their…
Auras act like magnets, picking up vibrational energies that float around everywhere. So it is important to expel any toxic energies from our aura and detox the mind and body….
Do you feel tired, carry stress, or suffer from anxiety? If yes, you need to practice meditation. Many people think meditation is just sitting in a lotus position and listening…
Energy Has Increased — I have always kept you up to date on what is happening energetically in this shift. We have reached a new level of awareness this past…
In everyday language it is common to use the expression “at the heart of” or “the heart of the matter” indicating how the heart is considered to be of essence…
Humans tend to comprehend their problems and struggles in non-spiritual terms, and for this reason, they seek out mundane solutions. Every tangible and intangible aspect of life is related…