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I thought it would be useful to do a quick review of the reasons why many of us are manifesting so ineffectively. The truth is, most of us are unwittingly…
Blue Ray Beings would never be anchored on our planet directly. This is because they are so powerful and close to the Creator, and our planet is not quite ready…
Spirituality and marijuana are two subjects that are not often talked about in the same conversation. However, the spiritual use of marijuana has been around for many centuries. Today, we…
Identifying a haunted house is not as easy as it might seem in all the stories and movies we come across quite often. Unless it is an extremely malicious spirit…
“And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?”- Rumi…
Who is in charge – you or your trickster ego? Dealing With Your Trickster Ego Are you making decisions based on your most deeply held values? Do your choices reflect…
SpiritualityView all
4 Warning Signs That Someone Is Emotionally Unstable
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>Emotions are totally normal, and it can be healthy to try and find some sort of release for them. We all need to let go sometimes and show the world...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
Why People-Pleasers Don’t Get the Love and Respect They Desire
The Butterfly Effect and the Environment: How Tiny Actions Can Save the World
InspirationView all
Why People-Pleasers Don’t Get the Love and Respect They Desire
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>“Niceness is the psychological armor of the people-pleaser.” ~Harriet B. Braiker I used to think that being kind, gentle, and agreeable was guaranteed to win me love and acceptance from...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
The Butterfly Effect and the Environment: How Tiny Actions Can Save the World
Whatever is Taken for Granted Will Eventually Be Taken Away
ConsciousnessView all
The Rising of Gaia Consciousness
<div class="at-above-post-homepage addthis_tool" data-url=""></div>While we always need to look after and treat planet Earth with respect and love, over the coming years it is going to be even more important to turn our...<!-- AddThis Advanced Settings above via filter on
Awakening To Divine Human Consciousness
4 Surprising Places To Connect To The Field Of Consciousness
The 8 Stages Of Conscious Evolution
7 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Highly Awakened
Latest Posts
I saw Beauty and the Beast the other week and I was moved to tears while watching it because the entire movie symbolized for me what it means to live…
You meet someone for the first time and one of the first questions you get asked is “What do you do?” You automatically assume the person wants to know how…
Getting to the point where your consciousness is expanded and your soul is fully awake is not an easy place to get to. It’s not impossible, it just takes a…
Shamans are medicine men or women who use their connection with nature and the spirit world in order to heal and awaken others. Shamans journey into the Spirit world using…
Soul Inspirations from the Art World I was looking at this beautiful art book the other day and noticed a quote from the artist, Picasso, which inspired me to write…
The one issue I kinda have with this is the implication that being an empath is a bad thing and we have something to protect ourselves from. I believe that…
As each of us begin to take the first steps that will shape our lives, we unknowingly pick a certain role to fulfill. The role that we choose influences who…
Sipping coffee, eating dark chocolates and sharing laughs with a friend in a super cute café this morning my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude for the tribe I’ve attracted into…
Have you examined your relationship with Spirit? How is Your Daily Relationship with Spirit? If you have ever attended any of my lectures or workshops, you will often hear me…
Empathy is the remedy for our society. I believe empathy is a choice we’ve made long before we were physically incarnated. Nevertheless, more and more people spontaneously start developing auxiliary…
True Soul Mates, Our Other Halves? People have always searched for their other halves; for the ones they are destined. However, often when people think that they have finally found…
Here are 12 ways that we prevent ourselves from growing spiritually. Thankfully, we can typically let all of these go once we realize that they are there. It’s a new…