Do You Need to Be Treated for Prescription Drug Addiction?
The greatest tragedy for humanity is a life not lived to its fullest. If you are caught in the cycle of addiction to prescription drugs, you are not able to live life to the fullest. The time wasted pursuing and taking harmful substances detracts from the quality of your life. The reality is you may not understand the disease with which you are trying to deal. The following information is being provided to help you decide if you need treatment for prescription drug addiction.
The Dangers of Prescription Medications
For a lot of people, it’s hard to get past the idea that prescription medications have tremendous value, yet can cause so much harm. While most prescriptions medications are subject to abuse, this information is going to focus on prescription painkillers like codeine, morphine and Oxycontin. This class of medication is being used because of a current painkiller abuse epidemic in America.
When taken as a doctor prescribes, pain medications are relatively safe. Unfortunately, they are opioids, which are highly addictive. Given the possibility of creating an addiction, doctors are always having to monitor pain patients for safety. This also applies to addictive medications doctors prescribe for depression, anxiety, seizures and a number of other diseases and disorders.
As the patient, you are charged with taking your medications as your doctor prescribed and communicating any potential issues along the way.
Signs of Addiction
If addiction has reared its ugly head in your life, your health and psychological well-being are at risk. The clearest signs you are opening the door to addiction would be any efforts you are making to self-medicate. These signs might include:
- You skipping doses to for more powerful doses less frequently
- “Doctor shopping” to get more doctors to provide prescriptions to support increased doses
- Going to the streets to purchases additional medication illegally
Before too long, you will form a dependence on your medications. Once that dependence crosses the invisible line to addiction, you’ll face severe withdrawal repercussions should you decide to make any attempt to stop taking your medications all together. You also run the risk of an overdose when you start taking higher doses more frequently.
If you already have an addiction, you’ll see a prevalence of side effects that are causing physical and psychological issues in your life. While the side effects may vary based on the substance and the amounts you’re are using, they are always a danger. With prescription painkillers, the common side effects include
- High blood pressure and breathing problems
- Nausea and vomiting
- Sleeping issues
- Decreased appetite
- Inability to control motor function
- High levels of depression, agitation and anxiety
Perhaps even more notable will be sudden changes in your behavior. You might be experiencing:
- Problems dealing with responsibilities
- Relationship issues with family and friends
- An obsession with finding resources to pay for additional drugs
- Frustration and anger towards anyone who questions your well-being
- Loss of interest in hobbies and recreational activities
If anything on these lists looks familiar, trouble is brewing in your life and you indeed need to get treatment for your addiction.
The Addiction Treatment Process
The only viable way to beat an addiction is by getting help from a professional addiction treatment center. Upon first entering rehab, you may need to go through a detox process. This is a critical part of treatment because it gives you an opportunity to get past cravings and dangerous withdrawal symptoms with a minimum of discomfort.
After detox, you will need to spend time in therapy and counseling. The goal will be trying to identify the root-causes of why you feel compelled to abuse substances that can harm you. Once you understand the nature of your addiction, you will have an opportunity to develop coping skills to help you navigate your triggers and temptations. This is essential in treatment because it helps you avoid relapses.
Once out of treatment, you need to figure out how to manage the physical or psychological issues that require you to use prescription medications. If you must continue using them, you will hopefully understand the potential for harm and do a much better job of communicating with your doctors.
Have a look at this page ( to learn more about prescription drug addiction.
9 Revolutionary Thoughts That Will Help You Improve Yourself To A Whole New Level
Thank you so much to the beautiful author for this incredible article.
I can only wish that I’d seen it at 14 years old.
It just might’ve saved my (quality of) life.
I’ve struggled with addiction since the day a trusted doctor placed a prescription for tramadol into my hand at the innocent age of 14.
This was after years of trauma.
At 6 I was molested by a trusted family member.
At 9 my older brother committed suicide.
At 12 I had anorexia nervosa and by 13 I was cutting myself.
I found out by 14 that pills could numb my unresolved emotional pain.
I had no idea what “self medicating” was or that it placed me on a trajectory that was quickly headed for a world I wouldn’t understand, let alone even knew it existed.
I never thought it would happen to me but..
I’m now 35, and have been a slave to methadone maintenance treatment for the last 12 years of my “life”. But I sure haven’t been living. I long for the days of my old life. I wish so badly that I could take back the trust I had for professionals, and listen instead to my own intuition which was CRYING OUT to not use these chemicals as a crutch. I didn’t listen to myself. I instead listened to the professionals, because I thought that meant they would carry the weight if there was ever a mistake.
Holy shit was I wrong.
What a colossally heavy cross I now bear.
For anyone toying with the idea of trying opiates~ DONT.
Just don’t do it.
You can never go back.
Read that again..
you can NEVER go back.
Once you become physically dependent, your former self is DEAD and you’re left with this heavy shell of a body that hungers for artificial happiness that can only be achieved through overpriced chemicals.
For anyone that is currently addicted to a substance and considering methadone maintenance treatment as an option ~ I beg you to please RESEARCH IT & ITS ORIGINS THOROUGHLY.
Methadone maintenance treatment has saved lives but it should be known that it can turn into a lifelong commitment and it will definitely be a life altering commitment.
A little on the history of methadone-
IG FARBEN was the German Chemical Company that was tasked with first synthesizing methadone.. they also were more than willing to manufacture and distribute ZYKLON B to Nazi run concentration camps.
Tread carefully fellow humans, we live in a world of deception.. a world full of POISONs that have been oH so cleverly DISGUISED AS MEDICINEs.
We live in a world of PHARMAKEIA (look that word up.. Ive already included the definition in this comment), where the goal is to have a human body dependent upon substances from CRADLE TO GRAVE.
Understand how truly precious your life is and don’t dabble in opiates, they will steal any joy you have for today, any hope you had for tomorrow and they’ll even steal your dreams of yesterday.
you’ll be horrified at what you see. There are infants being born dependent upon methadone. It’s sickening.
Live your life free.
And try not to venture too close to those of us who live in the liquid handcuffs of methadone maintenance
Which is why this article is so important for people to see ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you