Learn why fear of death has become the hallmark of modern civilization, and why you shouldn’t fear it. Unlike sex, death is not part of our public debate or education….
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Learn why fear of death has become the hallmark of modern civilization, and why you shouldn’t fear it. Unlike sex, death is not part of our public debate or education….
We are all beautiful souls, though some of us are older and more in tune with our true selves, hence capable of tapping into our soul’s infinite wisdom. Learn about…
The survival of the ego depends on the existence of a time-based reality, attachment of appearances, past and future, is the name of the game for the ego. The Ego…
Feel as if your sensitivity is being numbed? Continue reading to understand how it is possible to lose your sensitivity despite being born an empath. In the brief amount of…
This article was inspired by 4 Popular Myths And Misconceptions About Being An Empath Since people lack the ability to understand those who are different from them, this article will…
This article was inspired by Emotional Frequency: Why Are Many Old Souls Empaths? Ever wonder why so many old souls tend to be empaths? Well, continue reading to learn about…
Learn what the Buddhist teachings tell us about reincarnation, our current existence and what we should strive for. The concept of reincarnation and rebirth is subject to a great deal…
This article was inspired by Empowered By Sensitivity: What Type Of Empath Are You? Our sensitivity can empower us in ways we can’t quite understand. Find out what kind of…
Learn about sleep paralysis and how it can be used to go beyond and experience something more profound that you can ever imagine. A lot of people relate sleep paralysis…
Learn about the importance of developing psychological and spiritual maturity in congruency. The concept of spirituality has existed throughout our history. It has existed in various forms depending on…
Thought has created this 3-dimensional experience on Earth since its inception. The currency of creation in 3 dimensions are thoughts. Thinking, logic, theory, intellect, philosophy, rationalizing, assessing, evaluating, reasoning, conjuring and…
This article was inspired by The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy The ancient sages, since the time of Alexandria have long studied personal transformation and found ways of transmuting the self into…