You can change your life with greater ease than you think if you are mindful of these simple lessons. My inner being must have known that chaos would be good…
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You can change your life with greater ease than you think if you are mindful of these simple lessons. My inner being must have known that chaos would be good…
We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in those we have known for some…
Use the mantra Shreem Brzee to increase both your inner and outer riches. Shreem Brzee is a sound, a bosonic sound, that can create a reality of prosperity for everyone,…
If human beings only know how spiritually powerful they are, human suffering wouldn’t be an issue. Only that people tend to chase another kind of power, that which makes others…
Recently I had the pleasure of attending the Wisdom of the Near Death Experience Symposium in Austin, Texas. Over the three-day event, I heard many amazing speakers share their story and…
Energy is the basis for everything on this planet, and if you’ll recall from your high school physics class, energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed….
“Your life has an inner purpose and an outer purpose. Inner purpose concerns Being and is primary. Outer purpose concerns doing and it is secondary. Your inner purpose is to…
Did you know that there are certain times of the month that are more energetically supportive for you to be setting intentions than others? If this is brand new information,…
Learn to use Angel Teachings to help your children blossom into the incredible beings they are. Our three Angel Guardians, on the physical, emotional, and intellectual levels that we find…
In 1997, a woman named Emma Slade was robbed at gunpoint in her hotel room when staying in Jakarta. She was forced to the ground by the gunman with a…
Empaths like to help people. They try to see the best in people. They give people the benefit of the doubt. They take responsibility for their actions and apologize when…
Do you feel like others do not really get who you are? How strong and powerful you actually feel within? How much potential you can share? How much pain you…