The purpose of life is to evolve the soul! What is an Advanced Soul? Advanced souls are enlightened individuals who incarnate into this lifetime with a specific purpose and mission…
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The purpose of life is to evolve the soul! What is an Advanced Soul? Advanced souls are enlightened individuals who incarnate into this lifetime with a specific purpose and mission…
Remember, we are all affecting the world every moment, whether we mean to or not. Our actions and states of mind matter, because we’re so deeply interconnected with one another….
The Five Tsa Lung Exercises are movements that work with five chakra locations within the central channel of the body: the crown, throat, heart, navel and secret chakra. It contains…
Are you an introvert? Good news: You’re apparently the most highly evolved personality type, according to research. Yes, seriously. When renown psychiatrist Carl Jung first described the terms introversion and…
Today’s kids are largely affected by the technology around them, which has also changed the way they think, act and communicate. These new behaviors can be very challenging to parents,…
We have come to the point in time where more and more people are embracing new ideas, thoughts, or concepts that can revolutionize their lives. These radical thoughts are very…
Kids are seeds who are grounded deep into the roots of spirit, each having an opportunity to offer his or her spiritual fruit throughout a lifetime. The potential for bringing…
After psychological abuse, many survivors feel broken, like they will never return back to the person they were before. Joy and love seems to have disappeared, replaced with a dull…
Emotions are totally normal, and it can be healthy to try and find some sort of release for them. We all need to let go sometimes and show the world…
“Niceness is the psychological armor of the people-pleaser.” ~Harriet B. Braiker I used to think that being kind, gentle, and agreeable was guaranteed to win me love and acceptance from…
Fulfilling your highest purpose is your life’s calling. It’s what all comes down to, it’s what gives you meaning. It’s what makes you feel unsettled, restless, excited and passionate. But…
Your body is your temple and home to your soul. It holds its own divine wisdom and knowledge, but unless you meditate regularly or take the time to tune in,…
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