Ever wondered how the human brain, the consciousness, and the soul are linked? What it takes to realize the true purpose of existence? You’ll find all your answers here!
The Human Mind
What is it that really makes us humans? How are we any different from other living creatures that walk this earth? In fact, to make things simpler, let’s narrow down the scope of this question to our genetic neighbors; what makes us humans and monkeys, monkeys?
Apart from the apparent differences in physical characteristics, it is the human brain that creates a stark contrast between “humans” and “living creatures”. The human mind is a powerful, inimitable wonder of nature. And it works in ways that clearly defies all standards of conformity.
You must’ve heard about Artificial Intelligence and the amount of research being done to achieve it. While it does work to replicate pre-fed protocols, it does little to think out-of-the-box! So even if it progresses to an unbeatable height, it will never be able to surpass human intelligence!
The mere fact that it is the human mind that created AI is sufficient to suggest why AI can never come up to the desired level of self-sufficiency.
Imaging technologies enable you to see how the brain functions; how it responds to stimuli and how it comes into action in order to coordinate activities. Even if the same relationship is replicated in the case of AI, it will lack consciousness, making it an ineffective competition.
Out-of-the-box thinking (mentioned previously) is what we commonly refer to as consciousness. Contrary to popular belief, it is a holistic approach, combining internal and external awareness to unlock the passageway to another dimension.
It is a level of spiritual elevation, the point when you begin to contemplate bigger purposes and reasons in life. It is when you begin to realize realities apart from your tangible, physical existence that you’ve achieve consciousness.
Consciousness is defined as the zenith of awareness. You become conscious when you have the basic knowledge of your reality and you’re able to use this information to question your purpose of existence. You consciously choose to be illuminated by the spirit of the universe, understanding synchronicities to reach your ultimate goal.
You are open to the signs, responding to them in a way that gets you closer to your higher calling. And all this while, you indulge in self-actualization and self-discovery, becoming conscious of your internal and external environment, realizing the intricate connection between the two!
It is an active choice. Worldly knowledge makes you aware about “whats”; consciousness prepares you for the “whys” and the “hows”. You choose to see beyond conventional boundaries to be enlightened. People are aware, but everyone isn’t conscious!
The Soul
There is an intricate connection between the human brain, consciousness, and the soul. In fact, there’s isn’t one you can pick out of the equation and expect it to sustain. It is like a web of interconnected realities; everything falls apart when you’re not being careful to keep it intact!
The soul is your ultimate reality, your existence beyond the tangible body. As oxymoronic as it may seem, we’re born to die. But it is only the physical body that perishes. There is a bigger reality to your existence which survives beyond this worldly life!
Our souls are nothing short of miracles. But the consistent worldly conditioning we put ourselves through ends up shadowing the underlying realities. In another dimension, we’re a single entity, a single mind, a single soul.
We can connect with other parts seamlessly, without needing a medium of communication. It is like the synchronicities; you think about something and it materializes out of nowhere! The universe is a single entity, connected at all fronts.
But our over-dependence on material channels has significantly adulterated our “instinctive” connections.
We’re far from our roots. We’re no longer making discoveries or inventions. We’re propagating the ideologies and beliefs of those few who had been there and done that.
We live in houses that are ill-equipped to maintain a natural energy balance, and we’re further deteriorating the situation by accumulating negative energy in the form of stress, fears, and anxieties. We depend on gadgets to deliver our messages. We’re completely dependent on our worldly possessions, none of which will accompany us to our end!
Connecting with the soul requires de-cluttering. You need to get rid of these distractions in order to be able to see beyond them and connect with realities that define you.
You need to align your mind with your internal and external realities in order to attain consciousness about your soul. It is your ultimate reality, the purpose of your existence!
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