Do you think you are an old soul? Have you felt alienated from your peers? Read on to learn more about old souls. There are those amongst us who simply…
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Do you think you are an old soul? Have you felt alienated from your peers? Read on to learn more about old souls. There are those amongst us who simply…
“I shot the signals of my mourning into space for months, fully expecting them to die unreceived. And when I least expected it, someone sent signals back.”
Turning dreams into reality is often a difficult task. Why does this happen? For some it is luck – simply being in the right place at the right time. For…
The pineal gland is an incredibly important part of your brain. For those, like myself, fascinated with the more obscure aspects of the brain, it is the “Third Eye”, “Seat of the…
Recently I had the pleasure of attending the Wisdom of the Near Death Experience Symposium in Austin, Texas. Over the three-day event, I heard many amazing speakers share their story and…
Quantum Physics shows that everything in our universe is energy. The particles that form everything are not standing still but are vibrating. This energy in motion vibrates at a certain…
Most of us don’t know who or what we are. We simply do what our ancestors have been doing, mostly following the crowd. Occasionally, we might hear a voice from inside, asking what we are doing. Is this what I’m meant to be?