A large number of people, especially those who feel or even know in their hearts that they have a role in the changing world, seem to have unknowingly experienced “a…

Are You Unknowingly Part Of The “Cosmic Call to Action?”

Are You Unknowingly Part Of The “Cosmic Call to Action?”

A large number of people, especially those who feel or even know in their hearts that they have a role in the changing world, seem to have unknowingly experienced “a call” or shift, which began approximately six to eight years ago.

In most cases, this shift in their thinking, perspectives, approach, mood, activities, and/or priorities appeared to result from: a loss or death; a divorce or failed relationship; an illness and/or physical symptoms; or an intense new sense of feeling unfulfilled–despite numerous accomplishments.

Regardless of the specific trigger(s), the event or events sent each person into a relatively uncomfortable, unhappy, disconnected, and discontent period in their lives. More than ever, they have felt intensely lost, confused, and disconnected from their true purpose, path, and joy– and more plagued by issues mentally, physically, and spiritually.

However, it is our belief that the period of disconnect serves to prepare this special, “pioneering” population for their roles as various leaders in the new era ahead. They are this epoch’s First Wave – and the period of disconnect was and is meant to help them.

The challenges that they have been experiencing are to assist them: to resolve and cleanse mental issues and attachments; to intensify their talents; and to connect them with each other– in order to share, empower, and mobilize their efforts for the year or two ahead.

Are you part of this “first wave?” Most of these pioneers or first- wavers have been experiencing many or all the following:

  1. A feeling or sense that they “don’t fit in,” don’t belong, or can’t connect to the people around them.
  2. A desire to find their true “home” and/or true spiritual family and community.
  3. A feeling that entities are around them. They may even see or hear those entities on occasion.
  4. A feeling that they aren’t achieving the success, relationships, and happiness they desire—despite having outstanding skills, capacities, and intelligence.
  5. Changes in mood, emotions, and energy levels that seem to reflect the people or planet around them, as much if not more than their own state and condition.
  6. Moments of feeling more “awakened” or conscious, but finding those times short-lived or unsustainable in daily life.
  7. Vivid dreams, and even moving, speaking, or acting out while asleep.
  8. Periods of intense “shedding” of relationships, responsibilities, or priorities.
  9. A feeling that time is moving much faster.
  10. Noticing synchronicities and believing that there are no “coincidences” or “accidents.”
  11. A sense that the times ahead won’t be easy – but that the upcoming global events are necessary for our planet to progress, and for humans to evolve in their development.

If you are a first-waver, you may benefit from the following:

  1. Being in contact with others who possess high frequencies and vibrations.
  2. Healing residual mental and physical wounds.
  3. Understanding and accepting that your role in this world, quite literally and figuratively, may be very “close to home.” (Embrace the notion that you don’t have to save the world to “save the world.” Your immediate area may be exactly where you are needed.)
  4. Reminding yourself that you can’t save everyone. It is not everyone’s destiny for you to save them!
  5. Practicing, developing, and intensifying your innate or learned skills and talents.
  6. Learning which foods, activities, and environments are most helpful and least toxic for your specific body.

by Max and Lana

Max, Lana, and LOC Group (www.locgroup.net) enjoy helping light workers better understand and make the most of their own gifts, talents, health, and life experiences.

Dylan Harper

Dylan is a 32-year-old surfer from California. He traveled the world, rode the waves and learned the universal concept of oneness. He is a vegan for over a decade and, literally, wouldn't hurt a fly. He was reunited with his twin soul in Greece, where they got married and settled... for now. Dylan is a staff writer for DreamcatcherReality.com and teaches surfing to children.

1 Comment
  1. This is my story. I can relate to every word. Eight years ago I became plagued with depression, had panic attacks daily, quit going anywhere outside of my house, I was taking too many meds, ignored my role as mother and wife. A year later I divorced from a 16 year marriage, moved and lived alone. I cried every day for months. I’ve turned inward and I’m currently looking for myself and my “home”. I have been going through a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening for about a year now and healing soo much pain, some that I didn’t even realize that I had.. or felt. I feel that, for such a long time now, I have horrible luck and never get a break. I feel like it may be a block, or an attachment, or have been hexed. No matter what I try or how positive my outlook is a grey sad cloud of misfortune follows me wherever I go. I don’t even consider myself depressed anymore, I simply cannot shake it.

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