Do you think you are an empath? Are you afraid it has affected you in a negative way? Continue reading to understand yourself and the beautiful perspective you hold. The…
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Do you think you are an empath? Are you afraid it has affected you in a negative way? Continue reading to understand yourself and the beautiful perspective you hold. The…
Can one be spiritual without being religious and vice versa? An increasing population believes so. Here’s how and why the differentiation came into being. Before we get down to deciding…
Wondering whether you’re spiritual or not? You’re probably confusing the signs! Here are a few commonly misread signs that say you’re more spiritual than you think! Can you be spiritual…
Circulating sexual energy is a natural cycle we have forgotten a long time ago, and is intrinsically linked to our spiritual development in this world. The hardest part of conserving…
What is the difference between awareness and consciousness? How are the two concepts interlinked? Keep reading to find out about the hidden secrets of the universe! Imagine yourself in the…
How can you identify synchronicities in life? Let’s get started with the basics; why do they occur, what are its types, how to recognize synchronicities. Keep reading! Lucky coincidences happen…
Ever wondered how the human brain, the consciousness, and the soul are linked? What it takes to realize the true purpose of existence? You’ll find all your answers here! The…
Synchronicity exists everywhere but we seldom recognize it for what it is. Here are some of the most common synchronicities to help you understand “what is meant to be”. Ever been to…
Learning to be kind to yourself is the first step in living a meaningful life. Avoid a spiritual bypassing by learning how. Your Short Guide to Opening the Fourth Chakra…
Having a troubled and agitated mind can affect not only your daily life but also your overall well-being. In these situations, what you need is positivity, inspirations, and peace of…
The purpose of life is to evolve the soul! What is an Advanced Soul? Advanced souls are enlightened individuals who incarnate into this lifetime with a specific purpose and mission…
Turning dreams into reality is often a difficult task. Why does this happen? For some it is luck – simply being in the right place at the right time. For…