In this article I will summarize my awakening path through article references and will talk about the most shocking discoveries I have had yet. It has been five years since I…
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In this article I will summarize my awakening path through article references and will talk about the most shocking discoveries I have had yet. It has been five years since I…
We do not need solutions to the ills of the world. We need to remove the cause of the problem and that is ignorance and arrogance. These are inseparable partners in…
We are in this physical world, but our souls are not from this world. It is important to understand that there is an evolution of Souls going on through the earthly…
Learn The Anti Thought-form Hack Technique and free the mind once and for all. How aware are you of these beings each stealing the limelight from awareness. We all desires stillness and…
Hatred, Fear, Resistance and Persistence follow each other in a chain reaction, which is the main cause of keeping our reality stagnant and frozen in time. Let go of the…