Defending Souls that are Hostage can be likened to troops defending their attachment to a fake power-structure forming a castle that imprisons the soul. Deconstructing Your Construct The way you…
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Defending Souls that are Hostage can be likened to troops defending their attachment to a fake power-structure forming a castle that imprisons the soul. Deconstructing Your Construct The way you…
The mind and its addiction to information is more harming than people realize, as information is its main power source that it uses to manage your matrix. Addiction to Information…
Dreams are reality just as much as the real world is classified as reality. Dreams are your actual own reality and the real world is the creator’s reality. Dreams are…
The binary code appears as both 1 and 0 but, the binary code uses them together to create a digital hologram through the mind, which the soul experiences. Before proceeding,…
The Machines’ power in the Binary Code is probably the best kept secret of our time. Let’s expose and dissect the reason why the computer was programmed with the one…
Individualism, consumerism, and progressive success have constrained us to lower consciousness, but we yearn to ascend and expand it. When our consciousness expands, even momentarily, we see the world very…
The law of ether is what keeps the universe connected and in oneness with everything, souls that agree to an alien creation forsake divine eternal matrimony. This old matrix reality…
The mind has 4 states of existence which it uses to survive within a matrix. These states function in a cycle and never lead to a congruent solution. The mind,…
The mind machine is artificial intelligence that has hijacked the souls of Earth and subjected them into subservience to the machine that needs power. The anatomy of the mind must be made…
The survival of the ego depends on the existence of a time-based reality, attachment of appearances, past and future, is the name of the game for the ego. The Ego…
The collective unconscious mind and beyond are two separate states we co-exist in, learning not to depend on the mind is the mighty step to exit the matrix. What the collective…
Targeting the addiction to Repetitive Compulsive Behaviors and eliminating them, shall put you back on track of becoming the sole/soul creator of your reality. Please see part 1 of this…