This article was inspired by Ancient, Infinite Wisdom: Old Souls And Intuition We are driven by guides that reside within us. These guides eventually allow us to develop wisdom. Continue…

Intuition And Wisdom — The Inherent Traits Of Old Souls

Intuition And Wisdom — The Inherent Traits Of Old Souls

This article was inspired by Ancient, Infinite Wisdom: Old Souls And Intuition

We are driven by guides that reside within us. These guides eventually allow us to develop wisdom. Continue reading to understand the three inner guides and wisdom.

What does the word intuition signify for you? Well, for me it is a beautiful word and its meaning resonates with me.

Just look at the word, it is composed of two different words: “In” and “Tuition”, meaning our inner teaching – a form of wisdom that arises from within ourselves, a guide that resides within us, eternally guiding us through our life.

When a person experiences the profound nature of spiritual awakening, the driving force that leads them there is their intuition.

Our intuition serves as a bridge, allowing us to tread the path towards higher potential, even acclaim our higher selves. But the problem is that despite the rigorous education and conditioning we receive, none among us are taught to listen to our intuition.

Although, we have many names for it, such as the sixth sense or that gut feeling, most of us don’t really know how to leverage it and manifest substantiality.

Our Inner Guides

Quite often, people will ask if intuition can be explained. But what they are really asking is if something completely inherently infinite be brought into a finite medium that we, mortal beings, use for communication.

We can understand it but can we explain it? Well, attempts can be made at it, but the maximum achieved is its own limitation. We can translate our feelings and emotions into words, but we still cannot transmute them into words, hence, the limitation of our language.

Here is the most I have managed, although, far from the ultimate form of understanding, it is a start and a start is all that we have desired.


Instinct, although, necessary for survival is, by far, the most primitive form of guidance that comes from within us. It directs our instinctive reactions and other more general forms of functioning associated with our fragile bodies.

For example, thirst, fears, hunger, and sexual drives all represent our instinct, ingrained in our DNA, guiding us like spirit guides, as I like to think of it.


We are biological creatures just like other animals – the only thing that differentiates us from the animals is the superior form of intellect, which has allowed us to elevate our species’ standing in the food chain.

Animals are driven solely by instinct, which is also instrumental in our functioning. However, our intellect allowed us to progress to the point that we became the rulers of the planet, now attempting to travel the galaxy and the universe.

Intellect is driven solely by logic and has no room for emotions or feelings. Hence, our world is constructed on the basis of utilitarianism, viewing the destruction of the world as a by-product of our greatness – ignorance in my opinion.


The third inner guide, intuition – the highest of all three of our inner guides, can also be considered as the amalgamation of the unconscious, i.e. the divine self or the gut feeling, or any other way you wish to describe it.

This guidance comes from the spiritual level. It transcends the logic and biological drive of the previous two guides.

Intuition can be used to bridge all three guides and venture beyond our intellect, the process of acquiring true wisdom.

The problem is that most people find themselves stuck in the middle, in a world of pure intelligence, disseminating and dissecting through the power of rationale and logic, but blinded from the spiritual nature of the world and our existence.

The Wisdom Of Old Souls

Many people believe that wisdom is a manifestation of high intellect. However, in my opinion, that is only a small part of the larger equation.

Two people can have knowledge over a particular matter, but the wise among the two will know how to use that information and this is the element of wisdom.

The people responsible for creating weapons of mass destruction were extremely intelligent people, more so than you and I, but were they wise to have created something that can cause the ultimate fall of mankind?

Progress of thousands of years can be now obliterated, but can it be justified or sanctioned? Yet, they felt a need for such a weapon, with the inherent purpose to be used against man.

Old souls are those who have managed to use all three inner guides and allow them to thrive in a harmonious environment, allowing each to contribute towards the formation of a wise decision, a wise opinion.

Wisdom is, in essence, a balance between our inner guides and that is the only thing that makes the old souls so different from the majority that rules our world and decides its fate.


Each and every one of us can be wise. It is a journey, and there might be hardships, but it is a journey of joy.

Unlike happiness that is fleeting in nature, this form of joy can be perpetual. As you seek, you learn, and as you learn, you ask more questions, perpetuating a cycle of accumulation and growth.

It really is about harmony between the body, heart and mind — other words, harmony between instinct, intuition, and intellect. And within this harmony, shall you find the source, that is the soul.

This article was inspired by Ancient, Infinite Wisdom: Old Souls And Intuition, which was written by Don Mateo Sol. He is the author and co-founder of popular spiritual website As a shamanic practitioner, teacher and soul guide, Sol has helped to lead thousands of people throughout the world on their journeys of self-discovery, healing and wholeness. You can follow Sol’s work on Facebook.

Dylan Harper

Dylan is a 32-year-old surfer from California. He traveled the world, rode the waves and learned the universal concept of oneness. He is a vegan for over a decade and, literally, wouldn't hurt a fly. He was reunited with his twin soul in Greece, where they got married and settled... for now. Dylan is a staff writer for and teaches surfing to children.